Antibiotics Resistance & Marine Conservation

02 Oct 2024 10 Dec 2024
Target Group
Undergraduate, Master and PhD students
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Open  (Deadline: 04 Sep 2024 23:59)

This online course links the two priority topics: antibiotic resistance and marine conservation, under the "One Health" approach, as they are interconnected and have widespread implications for the human, animal, and environmental health.

Content and Methodology

The course "Antibiotic Resistance and Marine Conservation" consists of a blended learning system that includes synchronous and asynchronous units. The asynchronous content will be presented on the Moodle platform, where participants will explore the theoretical basis of the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the pathways of spread between humans, animals, and the environment. They will also be introduced to recent scientific studies related to the One Health approach that show the link between marine life and antibiotic resistance, as well as will explore the impact of antibiotic resistance on marine life. Finally, interactive materials and sessions will allow participants to explore various research methods that can be used to investigate One Health issues. During synchronous sessions, participants will meet online via "Zoom" with our guest speakers and will be able to work in international and interdisciplinary teams on a study protocol focused on One Health topics.

At the end of the module, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify the definition, causes and routes of the spread of antibiotic resistance bacteria
  • Recognise antibiotic resistance as a One Health topic
  • Identify the various factors that impact marine life and their effect on human, animal and environmental health
  • Explore the interconnection between marine life and antibiotics
  • Explore different research methods they can apply to study One Health topics


  • Digital skills
  • Communication & collaboration
  • Intercultural skills


  • Selection strategy: Students should write a motivational letter of 100-200 words explaining why they want to take this course and how this course will contribute to their education. There are no prerequisites but students should be interested in the topic and willing to actively participate.
  • Number of participants: 50.
  • Certificate/ECTS: 3 ECTS and a Certificate.
  • Language: English.

This activity is part of WP2.