Co-Creating Innovation

09 Sep 2024 13:00 13 Sep 2024 12:00
Universität Hamburg
Target Group
Master and PhD students, early career researchers
Universität Hamburg
Open  (Deadline: 07 Jul 2024 23:59)

Co-Creating Innovation 9-13 September 2024 at Universität Hamburg

The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) is arranging a co-creation week for Master and PhD students and R1 and R2 Early Career Researchers to co-design a project, product or concept based on a challenge related to Global Health together with representatives from one of our non-university partners, who will be present throughout the week:

  1. Helmholtz Centers: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / HEREON / GEOMAR
  2. Siemens Healthineers AG
  3. Virchow Foundation for Global Health
  4. Konrad Adenauer Foundation
  5. Career & Qualification Center

Learning objectives

This activity focuses on the exchange and co-creation between an international, young academic generation and partners in society and industry. By jointly working on a challenge provided by our non-university partners to develop a prototype, the co-creation week aims to expand the European University Alliance beyond its academic nucleus. The different academic and non-academic perspectives on a given challenge from the three major fields of knowledge transfer identified through an extensive evaluation across all nine partners

  1. Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  2. Engagement and Co-Creation
  3. Employability and Qualification

will contribute

  • to the expansion of the pool of knowledge within academia,
  • to the enhancement of cooperation between university and industry/society,
  • to opening (career) pathways beyond academia,
  • to establishing a trajectory towards a EUGLOH think tank,
  • to making universities more transparent and approachable,
  • to the best-practice exchange on how to foster collaboration between academia and society/industry,
  • to highlighting Global Health as an interdisciplinary field.


  • Knowledge into action
  • Creativity & problem solving
  • Communiation & collaboration


The applications must provide and will be assessed by means of

  • the field of study or scientific work in relation to the challenges and/or Global Health,
  • a short letter of motivation (1-2 pages) with regard to the challenges and
  • the indication of two preferred challenges from the list below (priority 1 and 2) to support the establishment of internationally diverse teams in each challenge.

List of challenges (please select and rank 2 when applying):

  1. Atmo-Box Challenge: Start-up Call for Ocean Exploration, Helmholtz Centers: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / HEREON / GEOMAR (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
  2. Identification of Potential Markets and Business Opportunities for a 40 kW Average Power X-Ray Source, Siemens Healthineers AG (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
  3. SDG – Intersectoral and Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Global Health, Virchow Foundation for Global Health (Engagement and Co-Creation)
  4. Digital Health and AI Solutions as Instruments for improving Global Health, Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Engagement and Co-Creation)
  5. Academia and Beyond, Career and Qualification Center (Employability and Qualification)

Priority will be given to applicants with fewer opportunities.

  • Number of participants: 40 (2 Master and PhD students as well as 2 R1 and R2 Early Career Researchers per partner institution may be financed through EUGLOH mobilities)
  • Certificate/ECTS: Certificate of participation
  • Language: English

This activity is part of Work Package 6.