Entrepreneurial Skills

An introduction to entrepreneurship by dynamic team work
14 Oct 2024 18 Dec 2024
Target Group
Undergraduate & Master students
Lund University
Closed  (Deadline: 15 Jun 2024 23:59)

In this 1,5 ECTS course students will learn about entrepreneurship and how to collaborate in intercutural and multidiciplinary teams. The course is mostly online but the students will meet in Lund for a dynamic "hackathon" in which they will solve a challenge through new venture creation.

Today we all acknowledge that global society face a number of challenges that need new and creative solutions. We need to learn how to handle uncertainties and unpredictable situations in a productive and progressive way. To cope with these challenges and uncertainties there is a call for more entrepreneurial knowledge and skills.

This course contains four online modules supported by two online lectures. The online modules consist of individual work to be performed before set deadlines. At the end of the course there will be a two-day "hackathon" on site in Lund, Sweden when the students will work in teams with the task to deliver a solution to a challenge.

Testimonials from past participants:


“I went into this having a vague understanding of what makes an entrepreneur, so hearing actual stories of entrepreneurs who have both succeeded and failed, as well as those who have just started and those who are more experienced, was very interesting, but also looking at the theory behind why certain styles of entrepreneurship work”.

“I enjoyed that the course is hybrid because we actually got some tools beforehand, which made the whole experience way better because people were synced in how to do the project”.

"I really liked the content of the course! It was very well structured and interesting. I also really appreciated to get to know students from different countries and fields of study. Definitely a course I will remember and recommend to others."

"The chance to meet and work with people from different backgrounds and values was amazing. I learnt how to communicate and make an agreement despite of our distinct mindsets and ideas."

Learning objectives

The course Entrepreneurial Skills aims to introduce students to:

  • The development process of an entrepreneurial project.
  • The entrepreneurial mindset that is needed for the development process to take place.
  • The dynamics of teamwork.


  • Creativity & problem solving
  • Communication & collaboration
  • Leadership & social impact


Students with different backgrounds are encourged to apply since multidiciplinarity will be an asset.

  • Selection strategy: Students must have 30 ECTS in any subject in order to be accepted. A statement of purpose must be handed in.
  • Number of participants: 45 (5 per partner university).
  • Certificate/ECTS: 1,5 ECTS.
  • Language: English.

Please note that a scholarship for travel and subsistence is included for participants. More information on travel arrangements, accommodation etc. will be sent to accepted students. (LU students participating in the course will not receive the scholarship.)

This activity is part of Work Package 2.