EUGLOH Summer School - LAMELIS 2024

Lasers in Medicine and Life Sciences
01 Jul 2024 05 Jul 2024
Target Group
Undergraduate, Master & PhD students
University of Szeged
Closed  (Deadline: 10 Jun 2024 23:59)

Summer school on the theoretical background and practical implementation of lasers in medicine and life sciences. EUGLOH Certificate and 4 ECTS will be provided for students participating in-person, and 2 ECTS for students following lectures online. As the summer school has hybrid format, 25 students can participate in-person at University of Szeged (Szeged, Hungary) but all interested students can follow the lectures online.

Please note that registration for the in-person part of the summer school is now closed but that you can register for online participation until the 10th of June.

Distinguished experts of the field provide comprehensive overview of the basic theoretical background (theory, operation and classification of lasers, basics of optics) and practical applications of lasers in medicine and life sciences (imaging and therapy). Since lasers revolutionised additive manufacturing, state-of the art developments in 3D printing technologies with a primary focus on application in life sciences are also covered. Applied methods: lectures, interactive discussion sessions, teamwork, visiting clinical and research facilities (for students participating in-person).

Learning objectives

Participants in-person have practical sessions, e.g. visiting the Extreme Light Infrastructure - Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS, Szeged), the Super-resolution localisation-based microscope system and clinics (University of Szeged). In addition to the broadening of knowledge the participants will have social programmes and after the successful closing test they will receive a certificate and ECTS.


  • Critical thinking
  • Knowledge into action
  • Communication & collaboration


Although the depth of talks is tailored for students in life sciences, the summer school is open to students from all faculties interested in the theoretical background and practical implementation of lasers in life sciences. Bachelor, master and PhD students from all faculties of the partner universities of the EUGLOH alliance are welcome. No special background knowledge is required.

  • Selection strategy: Primary filter: motivation letter. Secondary filter: first come, first served.
  • Number of participants: In-person: 20-25 (2/partner). Online: 100.
  • Certificate/ECTS: In-person: 4 ECTS. Online: 2 ECTS.
  • Language: English.

This activity is part of Work Package 3.