Good Scientific Practice & Research Integrity - What’s it all about?

24 Jul 2024 25 Jul 2024
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Target Group
PhD students, researchers & staff
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Closed  (Deadline: 06 Jun 2024 23:59)

This is a workshop for PhD candidates interested in learning more about good scientific practices, open science and discussing typical dilemmas.


The activity consists of the following:

a) Workshop consisting of inputs and presentations by the instructor, peer exchange and dilemma discussion organized by GraduateCenter LMU in cooperation with the LMU Open Science Center (fullday from 9 am - 5 pm on 24.07.2024)

b) Conference on Responsible Research where the graduate programmes of the Life Science Campus Großhadern/Martinsried and greater Munich community together with the GraduateCenterLMU will jointly host an event on responsible conduct in research (from noon to evening, 25.07.2024).

All in all, the intensive dialogue at peer level, the invited speakers and the social programme offer many opportunities for stimulating exchange among the participants.


  • Critical thinking
  • Ethics & responsibility
  • Communication and collaboration


Applicants must be PhD candidates within the EUGLOH Alliance confirmed by an official document (e.g. matriculation, supervision agreement), preferably from life sciences and fluent in English

  • Selection strategy: PhD Candidates matching the criteria.
  • Number of participants: up to 25, including 6 participants with EUGLOH mobility funds.
  • Certificate/ECTS: 2
  • Language: English.

This activity is part of Work Package 3.