Making an Impact! Skills for Career Paths in and beyond Academia

23 Sep 2024 14:00 27 Sep 2024 13:00
Online and at Universität Hamburg
Target Group
PhD Students
Universität Hamburg, University of Porto, University of Alcalá, UiT-The Arctic University of Norway
Open  (Deadline: 07 Jul 2024 23:59)

EUGLOH 2.0 – Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP)

Career planning during the doctoral phase is tricky – focusing on research is highly demanding, planning what comes next in time is equally challenging. The rise of the seemingly ultimate question “Should I stay or should I go?” may trigger uncertainty about both one’s competencies and requirements for future steps.

This EUGLOH activity focuses 1) on transversal skills that PhD researchers gain throughout their journey and 2) on various ways in which science can have societal impact – by actors both inside and outside of universities. For this purpose, you will work on your individual competence profile, learn about research communication and explore sciencepreneurship.

The activity takes place both virtually and physically. The preparatory virtual component (5th and 9th of September, 10:00 - 15:00) provides innovative presentation tools and enables international PhDs to present their research projects. The physical part in Hamburg offers workshops with various experts to prepare PhDs for career paths in and beyond academia. You will identify and develop skills for making an impact – be it political, educational, cultural, economic, or social – in the field of global health.

Learning objectives

  • Build your competence profile: Reflect your skills and competences that you gain throughout your PhD
  • Train your pitch: Refine your presentation skills by 3MT presentations
  • Engage with publics: Learn to communicate your research to a wider audience
  • Reflect your skill set as a sciencepreneur: Discover what it means to become an innovator


  • Creativity & problem solving
  • Communication & collaboration
  • Leadership & social impact


Candidates applying for the program must provide the following documents:

Short CV (1-2 pages)

Short abstract of the PhD research project, particularly related to the Global Health approach of the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) and described in a generally understandable way for a non-specialist election committee (max. 300 words)

Motivation letter with reference to at least one of the BIP focus topics or activities (max. 200 words)

Please note: This EUGLOH activity is a Blended Intensive Program (BIP) supported by Erasmus+ funds (basic subsistence and travel costs). Before applying, please check the availability of Erasmus+ BIP grants at your home institution and contact the EUGLOH team at your university for detailed information.

  • Number of participants: 40
  • Certificate/ECTS: 3 ECTS and a Certificate of Attendance will be issued for those who actively participate and attend the full event (virtual and physical part)
  • Language: English

This activity is part of Work Package 4.