Spotlight on Education: The Why and How of Preparing a COIL

A seminar for staff members
04 Jun 2024 10:00 11:00
Target Group
Lund University, University of Alcalá, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Closed  (Deadline: 04 Jun 2024 09:59)

Designing a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), where students in two courses from different countries work togheter, can be a low hanging fruit in internationalisation. In this online webinar two teachers will share how and why they initiated the collaboration between teams in Lund and Tromsö, and how the COIL will contribute to the student's development.

The speakers are Roberto Scaramuzzino, Associate Professor at the School of Social Work at Lund University and Tanja Banerji, Assistant Head of Department at the Department of Child Welfare and Social Work at the Arctic University of Tromsö. Both the speakers are part of a collaboration to develop a COIL in social work.

The discussion will be moderated by Lorena Silos from University of Alcalá while speakers share their experiences and challenges in education.

On this occasion our speakers will discuss:

  • What they prepared and planned before making an application in the EUGLOH Seed Money Programme.
  • How you get in contact with other partners, how to know that you have found your match.
  • How to make students collaborate and what they will gain. - What the outcome for the team behind the COIL can be.

    The webinar will be recorded and made available on the EUGLOH YouTube channel.

Learning objectives

The seminar will give teachers looking for international collaboration the confidence to do so and will inspire to design new learning experiences, also for students in professional educations where there are national restrictions.

The webinar is interactive and the participants are encouraged to bring their perspectives to the discussion with their questions and comments.


  • Knowledge into action
  • Creativity & problem solving
  • Communication & collaboration


The seminar is targeted towards staff with an interest in organising collaborative online international learning or in general to integrate internationalisation of the curricula in all fields.

  • Selection strategy: Not applicable.
  • Number of participants: No limit.
  • Certificate/ECTS: An attendance certificate can be issued on request.
  • Language: English.

This activity is part of Work Package 2.